Announcements – Dusk till dawn studio 3D printed parts and accessories to customize action figures and collectibles. Sun, 27 Feb 2022 02:44:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Announcements – Dusk till dawn studio 32 32 Upcoming Sales Series: first one tomorrow night – all torsos on sale from dusk… till dawn! Sun, 27 Feb 2022 02:34:05 +0000
Click on the image above to go straight to the sale!

True to our name, we are planning an overnight sale (from sundown to sunup, or dusk ’till dawn) for the night of Sunday February 27th to Monday February 28th, 2022 (Eastern Standard Time / UTC -5). That’s tomorrow night already!

We are planning do have these sales periodically, offering different accessories at a 15% discount. We’ll announce them shortly before they start on our social media, and sometimes in our newsletter as well, so when you see the image above, you’ll know it’s coming! Tomorrow night only, all torsos will be on sale.

the coupon code will always be: fromdusktilldawnsale

We look forward to seeing you there!

Winners of the Ciao 2021 DTDS contest! Mon, 03 Jan 2022 16:38:46 +0000 Hi everyone! So we drew the three numbers at 2PM on January 1st to see who would win the three numbers. It was exciting for us because we were remembering each order and happy when each name came up!

Here are the three bundles that we raffled off:

Here are the three winners in order:

So now you know!

Jay chose the Best Buddies Loot bundle right away, which isn’t surprising since he is a fellow MOTU fan. Chris ran away with the Badass Boars Loot Bundle and Richard took the Prince of Darkness Loot Bundle.

We wish you all the best for 2022 and look forward to seeing your amazing work! Customizing is such a fun ride, we are glad to be on it with you. I don’t know about you, but this was a great way to start the year!

Ciao 2021 DTDS contest Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:09:32 +0000 Only a few days left in 2021, and we want to thank everybody for their support – yet again. I know we say it often, but we mean it! We are very grateful to be able to work at something we love and enjoy. We also appreciate the contact it gives us with fellow customizers and action figure fans, especially in the Mythic Legions community which has become our very large extended family!

To show our thanks, we are doing a random draw for three bundles of prints, worth a total of $367,70!!

We will use a random number generator at 2PM on January 1, 2022 to draw 3 random order numbers from all the orders received by noon on January 1, 2022.

There are three bundles of loot to be won (note that these bundles are not the same as the monthly bundles):

  1. Prince of Darkness 2021 loot bundle (worth $122,90): vampire torso with knife, angry vampire head, vampire knight head, skeleton warrior pauldron set, skeleton warrior head, Dragon armour torso, dragon knight with helmet, dragon knight without a helmet, Dragon scythe.
  1. Best buddies 2021 loot bundle  (worth $131,89): Man of arms torso, Man of arms pauldrons, Man of arms head with helmet, Man of arms head without helmet, Dragon Knight (no helmet), Hu-ann Dragon 3 head, Iron Orc Jaw head 1, Iron Orc Jaw head 1, Arabian knight head, Fish-Man head, Pig warrior axe.
  1. Badass Boars 2021 loot bundle (worth $112.91): Pig warrior torso, Pig warrior head without helmet, Pig warrior lower legs and feet, Pig warrior hammer, Magnus Titus head (V2), Eofor head, Taurus Thunderstrike head 2, Ork warrior torso, dragon warrior pauldrons.

If you were thinking of putting an order in this week or next, as long as you get it in before noon on January 1st, 2021 UTC-5, your order number will participate in the draw. 

The first prize winner can choose their bundle first from among the three, the second prize winner can choose from between the remaining two bundles and the third prize winner wins the last bundle. We will pay for the shipping, too.

See you in the New Year, friends!

Prince of Darkness 2021 loot bundle (worth $122,90): vampire torso with knife, angry vampire head, vampire knight head, skeleton warrior pauldron set, skeleton warrior head, Dragon armour torso, dragon knight with helmet, dragon knight without a helmet, Dragon scythe.
Best buddies 2021 loot bundle (worth $131,89): Man of arms torso, Man of arms pauldrons, Man of arms head with helmet, Man of arms head without helmet, Dragon Knight (no helmet), Hu-ann Dragon 3 head, Iron Orc Jaw head 1, Iron Orc Jaw head 1, Arabian knight head, Fish-Man head, Pig warrior axe.
Badass Boars 2021 loot bundle (worth $112.91): Pig warrior torso, Pig warrior head without helmet, Pig warrior lower legs and feet, Pig warrior hammer, Magnus Titus head (V2), Eofor head, Taurus Thunderstrike head 2, Ork warrior torso, dragon warrior pauldrons.

Rules, method and fine print:

  1. You have to have a DTDS order in 2021 to January 1 at noon UTC-5, 2022.
  2. If you are a winner but you don’t answer your message to choose your bundle within 24 hours, you pass your right to choose to the next winner in line, and you become winner number three. For example, if you win first place but don’t answer your messages to choose your bundle, then the next day we’ll give first choice to the original winner number two, second choice to original winner number three, and then you become the new winner number three.
  3. We will not switch parts from bundle to bundle. If you really want to trade, get in touch with the other winner and set something up yourselves. 🙂
  4. Will use the random number generator at to choose the three random numbers, each corresponding to an order number from our website. For example, our first order was #422, corresponding to number 1. If the random number generator chooses number 1, then order #422 wins. 
  5. The first number generated will be the first place winner, the second number generated will be the second place winner, and the third number generated will be the third place winner.
  6. Since it is YOU we are thanking rather than your orders, you can’t win more than one bundle. If your name corresponds to more than one winning number, we’ll pick another one to make sure we have three separate winners.
  7. We will inform the winners that they have won via the contact information that we have from their winning order, except for telephone. We won’t call you because we don’t know how much it would cost you (or us) if it is long-distance. If we happen to have your Facebook info, we might use that too. We’ll also post the winning order numbers (not names) on our blog at and on our Facebook page.
  8. We’ll ask the winners for their permission to post their names (in our blog and on our Facebook page) before posting their names to make the announcement of the winners.
  9. DTDS is paying for the shipping, but we may not get the fancy, super-fast shipping. Also, our usual disclaimer: we do our best to wrap and protect our pieces for shipping, but we can’t be responsible for pieces broken during transit. 
  10. Final disclaimer: we reserve the right to change these rules if necessary to keep the contest fair, transparent and truly random. Just in case we forgot something…
  11. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about our contest, please get in touch at and we’ll be happy to connect with you.

October Contest Fri, 01 Oct 2021 06:38:04 +0000 I cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the nameless things that may at this very moment be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed…”

-H.P. Lovecraft, Dagon

It’s contest time again Dusk to Dawners! For October’s contest, I present to you our tribute to Lovecraft, by the amazingly talented Jason Rodriguez. This ones special to me as a huge Lovecraft fan and longtime Call of Cthulhu rpg player. I looked over at my Kkurzogg on the shelf one night, and thought he’d look great with a tentacle head!

So, exclusive to From Dusk Till Dawn Studios, I give you our first Ogre Scale Head! For this month’s contest we are going to do a creative writing contest! And the winner will receive a copy of the new head!

So what is it you have to do to win, you ask? Why nothing other than write us up a short bio and name the character!

But what about the rules, you say? 500 words maximum, and the Due Date will be October 20, 2021 @ midnight Mountain Standard Time. Send all entries to: The winner will be published in our November 2021 newsletter. Good luck, and watch out for the Fishmen!


Our first blog post (in which we describe our plans for our blog) Mon, 20 Sep 2021 01:48:23 +0000

Hey there!

The From Dusk Till Dawn Studio blog will be a resource used for sharing tips, hacks, and techniques related to painting and customizing action figures.

We will have experienced artists, such as Brett Tennant and Thiery Parrot, guys you probably already know from different Facebook collector groups, explain everything (not all at once) from how to start, to more advanced techniques. We want everybody to feel comfortable taking their figs apart and switching them up, to create brand new unique pieces you can be proud to show off. While this is an art form which – like any other art form – you need to practice to get good at, the most important part is to stop worrying and just have fun!

We will be here to help you every step of the way.

We will also post updates in the blog, as well as contests and our Monthly Bundle Vote. If you miss a newsletter (we will also have a little newsletter) you will likely find some of that content here as well. Feel free to ask questions and respond to the authors.

Happy reading, and happy painting!

You can sign up to our little newsletter with this form:

Aztec Knights and Vampires need kidneys too! Mon, 20 Sep 2021 01:28:57 +0000 Hey folks!! Small announcement:

Every month we will be choosing a different head for which we will be donating the entire profits to the Canadian Kidney Foundation. Paris and I met this past summer through a collector’s group on Facebook, and after a few conversations Paris made a comment about receiving a kidney transplant in Nov. 2020. His second. I was actually sitting in the hospital at the time recovering from a kidney transplant myself.

Kidneys may not be very sexy, but they’re damn important. Without research and organ donation many people like Paris and I wouldn’t be alive.

Head over to to find out what kidneys actually do (you might be surprised) and why we are so grateful to this organization.
